The Sivadia crew have just returned from an awesome long weekend at Lake Eland. We were very lucky – there was so much to see and the weather was stunning!

David, Bronwyn, Andy and Matambo left Durban on Friday at about 2 pm and took an easy drive to Lake Eland. Andy gave David a great leg massage before the weekend cycling even started.

The guests all arrived on Friday, some arriving later than others as they had to travel from Richards Bay. The guests had all chosen to camp and assured us they were well seasoned campers and putting tents up in the dark was no problem 🙂

Saturday morning’s skills clinic started at 9 am. It had rained earlier in the morning, so the weather was cool and overcast, but it soon warmed up. Amy Jane and Tam decided to take the group on an out ride on single track and different on-site locations and incorporate the skills clinic as the  group were all good riders. The adults rode this route as well as Bron and Andy.  Andy used her rides to help her prepare for her first triathlon! Matambo took one of the young boys in the car with him and was close by the riders and followed wherever he could. Andy took a break to take some photos.

On Saturday afternoon the guests watched cricket and David, Justin, Tam and Amy Jane rode the single track down to the dam and were fortunate enough to see a family of giraffe on the single track.

Grant arrived on Saturday night and joined the rest of the crew. He had been working, so had not managed to get to us any earlier.

On Sunday morning everybody rode that same single track that Tam, David, Justin and Amy had ridden the previous afternoon. After the ride, Grant decided to do some fishing right by the chalets and caught a massive 3kg bass, using his famous plastic frog. Everybody was very jealous. Being a good sport, Grant returned the fish back into the dam.

On Sunday afternoon while the adults rested, David took the children for an hour and a half cycle on easier single track.

Monday morning was an early start to the day. Justin and Amy Jane took a well earned rest. A ride to the Fig tree  and of course the best time to see all the animals.  The group saw a family of 11 giraffe up close, eland, zebras, wildebeest as well as warthogs. Bronwyn decided to talk to the ground right by the chalets! She has some very impressive bruises and grazes.

The families from Richards Bay had to be back there by 2 pm, so everybody packed up and headed back for their respective homes, very happy to have had such a wonderful weekend.

Since the tour, David has continued with his Cadence Cycling Course and  happily (and secretly) signed Bronny and Deidre up for it! Watch out David! The girls are going to catch you!! 🙂

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